Low carbs Rhubarb and strawberries Panna Cotta

The weather finally decided to settle down and get warm so all the beautiful spring fruits can thrive and get ripe . And of course the all time spring star "Rhubarb" is everywhere in the farmer market now and i couldn't resist buying it .

The easiest way to cook rhubarb is roasting it and adding a bunch of sweet flowery flavors to cut down it's acidity . Plus it is versatile you can use it on porridge , pancakes , with icecream ,on toast etc... the possibilities are unlimited .

But today our Recipe is a simple effortless Low carb panna cotta to complement the roasted rubarb . So enjoy it without feeling guilty about that summer body diet ...

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Rhubarbpannacotta recipe

COOK Time15 min
TOTAL Time30 min + 4 hours rest


Roasted Rhubarb

  • 250 gr Rhubarb
  • 1 orange
  • 2 Star Anise
  • Vanilla (or vanilla extract)

Panna Cotta

  • 500 gr heavy cream
  • Sweetner ( the equivalent of 75 gr sugar )
  • vanilla beans (or vanilla extract)
  • 5gr Agar Agar
  • Strawberries and pistachios for decoration
Rhubarbpannacotta recipe


Roasted Rhubarb

  1. Wash and cut your Rhubarb into 2-3 cm long pieces and place them on your baking sheet .
  2. We will use the orange's peel and juice along with the vanilla and Star anise on top of the Rhubarb.
  3. Bake the Rhubarb for 15 min in a 150 C preaheted oven .

Panna Cotta

  1. On a medium heat , place the heavy cream and vanilla in a pan until it simmers .
  2. Add in the agar agar and keep it on the stove for 1 or 2 extra minutes .
  3. Take the pan off the heat and add the seweetner.
  4. Place in your presentation cups or bowls and let it sit in the fridge overnight (or at least for 4 Hours).
  5. Decorate the panna cotta with your baked Rhubarb and some of the baking juices (Optional : add some strawberries and pistachios to get an extra layer of flavors ).

And voilà ...

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Amal Nasri

Amal Nasri

A full time sweet tooth foodie , foodphotographer and recipe developer who is always on the hunt of new flavor combinations and food discoveries to re-create sweet delicacies and fresh dessert recipes .

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